Life After the Job

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It is a well-known fact that we, as individuals, all struggle with change at some point in our lives. Some may adapt quickly, whilst others have a tough time adjusting to new beginnings. Leaving the police can be quite a daunting situation to be in, whether it’s because of retirement or because you feel that […]

Starting a Career as a Probation Officer

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Thinking of starting a career as a Probation Officer and wondering what to do next? Whether you would like to join the United Kingdom’s National Probation Service, with more than 20,000 staff, or a private Community Rehabilitation Company, we have tailored a short list of key tips to get your foot in the door. Firstly, and most […]

Armistice Day 2018

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In light of the 100th anniversary of the end of WW1 this Sunday on Armistice Day, Red Snapper Recruitment would like to pay our respects to those who helped our country 100 years ago. We recognise the sacrifices many people made those 100 years ago to help protect our nation and are extremely grateful for their dedication. We […]

Candidate Feedback

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Just recently we conducted a candidate feedback survey as part of our promise to ensure we are consistently providing the best service possible to our candidates. The feedback was great to receive and outstandingly positive. Here’s a quick outline of the response: We understand how important it is for candidates to know all about the […]

RSG Continues to Maintain the CPD of its Blue Light Contractor Staff

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Red Snapper Group (RSG) are the market leading supplier of specialist contingent labour to the blue light and broader investigation and enforcement work sectors. RSG manages a database of police professionals across a number of disciplines from Intelligence Analysts, Statement Takers and Investigation Officers. RSG understands the immediate value to not only its own business but […]

Police Oracle ‘BluePrint’ campaign gathers pace


The team at Police Oracle, the UK’s largest provider of police news and information and part of the Red Snapper Group, have been rewarded for their perseverance and tenacity.   Police Oracle launched the ‘BluePrint’ campaign back in 2017, accusing Theresa May’s government of failing to meet its obligation of protecting police officers both in the […]

RSG successfully bids for Workforce Alliance Partnership Framework


Red Snapper Group (RSG) has been appointed by the Crown Commercial Service to deliver the framework for public and private sector non-medical and non-clinical staff on fixed-term and temporary contracts. The appointment marks another milestone event for RSG, providing end users of the framework access to RSG’s unique set of skills in the law enforcement […]

RSR delivers successful Assessment Centre for Tower Hamlets London Borough Council

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Red Snapper Recruitment (RSR), part of Red Snapper Group (RSG), delivered its inaugural candidate assessment centre on behalf of Tower Hamlets London Borough Council (THLBC). Working in partnership with THLBC, RSR designed a bespoke recruitment assessment centre and facilitated this over the course of two days. THLBC successfully appointed all 12 of their Tower Hamlets […]