
N8 PRP Announces New Events and Registration Discount for Major Drugs Conference

Discount rates

The N8 PRP Drugs Policing Conference, Policing Markets, Policing People, will take place at the University of Manchester, 1-2 July 2024.

N8 Policing Research Partnership has announced new additions to the Drugs Policing Conference Programme and a discount of £25 on registrations until 21 May 2024. The discount is available to all delegates using code N8PRP25 at checkout. To register using this discount click the link provided below.


New Pre-Conference Events Announced

In addition to the Welcome Reception (Manchester Museum, 7-9pm, 1 July) delegates are invited to join three pre-conference events on Monday 1 July. Early Career and Post Graduate Researchers can join the keynote speakers for a Research Development Workshop, and all delegates are invited to an interview with serving police officer Paul Haylock, where he will discuss PTSD and Ayahuasca with Prof Jo Neill, followed by a Welcome Reception at Manchester Museum. The Workshop and Interview are free to attend and require separate registration – please see the Programme page for links and details.

Download the conference flyer here

NRiPN Research Development Workshop

Engineering Building A, University of Manchester, 15.00-17.00, 1 July

The N8 PRP New Researchers in Policing Network (NRiPN) invite PGRs and ECRs whose work relates to drugs policing to attend a Research Development Workshop with conference keynote speakers Professor Alex Stevens (University of Kent) and Kirsten Horsburgh (Scottish Drugs Forum), supported by NRiPN member Dr Tobias Kammersgaard (University of Sheffield).

Attendees will have the opportunity to present work-in-progress, discuss challenges and development questions, and discuss key priorities in drug policing research ahead of the main conference programme the following day.

Separate registration required (free)  

Interview with Paul Haylock: PTSD and Ayahuasca

Manchester Museum, 18:00-19:00, 1 July
Jo Neill (Prof of Psychopharmacology at UoM) will be in discussion with Mr Paul Haylock, former Metropolitan Police Officer. Jo and Paul will discuss the events that led to his PTSD, the experience of drinking Ayahuasca in the Amazon at a retreat centre with other service and military personnel with trauma, and his subsequent healing journey. As we consider the future of drugs policing in the UK, this event gives delegates the opportunity to reflect on broader questions about the role of drugs in our society, how we create the distinctions between legal and illegal, medicinal use and substance abuse, and how this effects drugs policing.

Interview with Paul Haylock: PTSD and Ayahuasca

Manchester Museum, 18:00-19:00, 1 July
Jo Neill (Prof of Psychopharmacology at UoM) will be in discussion with Mr Paul Haylock, former Metropolitan Police Officer. Jo and Paul will discuss the events that led to his PTSD, the experience of drinking Ayahuasca in the Amazon at a retreat centre with other service and military personnel with trauma, and his subsequent healing journey. As we consider the future of drugs policing in the UK, this event gives delegates the opportunity to reflect on broader questions about the role of drugs in our society, how we create the distinctions between legal and illegal, medicinal use and substance abuse, and how this effects drugs policing.