Inclusive Recruitment Services for the Housing Sector
A unique service designed to meet the inclusive recruitment needs of the housing sector.
A service which delivers a meaningful impact on your recruitment outcomes to ensure your organisation is representative of the community it serves.
No upfront costs. We’re paid when you’re satisfied. To find out more about the service visit our website.
Call 0203 119 3319
Service Features

Discovery and advisory support
A full review of your inclusivity goals, policies, processes and methodologies delivered by our expert inclusion recruitment team at no cost.
Attract, Train & Deploy
Unique Attract, Train & Deploy methods to create greater opportunities for access and highly levels of retention rate for our customers.
Innovative Candidate sourcing
Next generation candidate sourcing strategies capable of identifying granular demographics to produce highly representative short lists
Social value outreach programmes
Programmes which deliver positive community impacts in terms of enhancing the employability of marginalised groups.
Inclusive recruitment trained consulting teams
Our teams utilise talent acquisition methods focused on capabilities not work history; candidate attitude along with aptitude.
training, tools and advice
The provision of training, tools and advice for your recruitment teams to allow you to in-source our capability for long term sustainability.