
Paralegal to PIP 1 Course

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Are you an experienced paralegal interested in joining the police sector in an investigation role?

Paralegals have a similar skill sets to those in civilian investigation posts, such as case builders and police staff investigators.

Many Paralegals have a lot of experience with E-Disclosure and document review.

With CPIA / disclosure training these skill could be easily transferred into the disclosure team, reviewing evidence bundles and providing reports to lead officers.

RSR is a leading supplier of recruitment service to the police sector.

We are offering a free training course which aims to introduce delegates to CPIA/Disclosure training and covers the following e-learning modules with 13 hours of blended learning including pre-recorded video presentations and online knowledge checks and assessment that will provide reportable data to compare with initial assessments, thereby providing quantitative data.

  • Evidence Gathering and Evidence Based Investigations
  • Witness Interviewing and Statement Taking
  • Dealing with Suspects
  • Court Procedures and CPIA (Disclosure)

To find out more and sign up please click here