Find a Career in Offender Rehabilitation & Supervision

At Red Snapper we service the justice sector with a variety of products and services. Our understanding of all the divisions within this sector coupled with our longstanding relationships makes us the leading recruitment service provider for the offender management, specialist support and direct supervision roles. 


latest jobs

Lived Experience Co-Ordinator

This role will be remote based with requirement to travel across a cluster of London boroughs at hubs and probation service mandated locations.

Team leader

HumberRSR Justice is a niche recruitment agency, who provide staffing services to the offender management and criminal justice sectors.

Team leader

LondonRSR Justice is a niche recruitment agency, who provide staffing services to the offender management and criminal justice sectors.

Recovery Navigator

HumberRSR Justice is a niche recruitment agency, who provide staffing services to the offender management and criminal justice sectors.

New Probation Workforce Strategy

On the 30th July, 2020 Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS) announced a new workforce strategy aimed at growing the probation workforce as well as improving conditions for its existing staff.

We continue to strengthen our employer of choice status by mirroring the HMPPS best in class employer practices. We offer the following:

  • Worker welfare service via a dedicated Agency Worker Welfare Liaison team and Officer.
  • Health services – referral within 24 hours for cases with a clinical requirement
  • Continuous professional development of our deployed workers.
  • Probation officer training


HMPPS works collaboratively with Red Snapper to help us role out more innovative services. Across the last six months we have worked closely with the NPS to pilot a new quality assurance framework for agency workers. This will support the NPS’ aim to further professionalise the job roles within probation, increase recognition and reward, training and development, and resolve workplace issues in a formal, professional manner.

If you have any questions or would like more information about any of the services referred to above please contact Tomas Keenan-Blair at or on 0203 119 3307.

Probation Training

The Training Platform
To increase the supply of skilled probation practitioners, we offer free training to former Probation Officers and Probation Service Officers wanting to return to work.

Alternatively, the platform can be used as a refresher to maintain continuous professional development for the existing workforce, and as a tool to go over key areas of practice and knowledge.

How to access
The e-learning platform is an entirely free to access service for all registered candidates as well as our our existing agency workforce. The course has eight modules covering different areas of offender management theory, legislation and practice. It is completed by taking a true or false quiz to determine a pass or fail.

To enrol users will need to take the following steps
• Click the “enrol now” button below
• Select the Course you want: I.e. Responsible Officer Training or CPD and enrol.